Microsoft SQL Server 2019 – Introduction to Data Analysis

This course will discuss the responsibilities and functions of a data analyst. Which includes the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Power BI.



This course will discuss the responsibilities and functions of a data analyst. Which includes the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Power BI.

The course will also show how to access and process data from a range of data sources including both relational and non-relational data. This course will also explore how to implement proper security standards and policies across the Power BI spectrum including datasets and groups. The course will also discuss how to manage and deploy reports and dashboards for sharing and content distribution. This course will show how to build paginated reports within the Power BI service and publish them to a workspace for inclusion within Power BI.

Power BI is a member of the Power Platform. Power Apps is another component that enables everyone to build and use apps that connect to business data. This course will show you how to use the Power Apps visual to pass context-aware data to a canvas app, which updates in real-time as you make changes to your report. This will allow your app users to derive business insights and take actions from right within their Power BI reports and dashboards.

Empower your skills. Elevate your business intelligence. Learn data analytics

This data analysis course will discuss the responsibilities and functions of a data analyst. In this data analysis course, you will learn the various methods and best practices that are in line with business and technical requirements for modeling, visualizing, and analyzing data with Power BI, Microsoft Analysis Services and other data analysis tools. Our data analysis course will also show how to access and process data from a range of data sources including both relational and non-relational data. This course will also explore how to implement proper security standards and policies across the Power BI spectrum including datasets and groups. The course will also discuss how to manage and deploy reports and dashboards for sharing and content distribution.

This data analysis course will show how to build paginated reports within the Power BI service and publish them to a workspace for inclusion within Power BI. Power BI is a member of the Power Platform. Power Apps is another component that enables everyone to build and use apps that connect to business data. This course will show you how to use the Power Apps visual to pass context-aware data to a canvas app, which updates in real-time as you make changes to your report. This will allow your app users to derive business insights and take actions from right within their Power BI reports and dashboards.

Course Outline

Microsoft SQL Server 2019 – Introduction to Data Analysis Course Content

Download Course Outline

1.1 Course Introduction

1.2 Intro to Management Studio

1.3 Intro to command-line query tools

2.1 Introducing T-SQL

2.2 Understanding Sets

2.3 Understanding the Logical Order of Operations in SELECT statements

3.1 Writing Simple SELECT Statements

3.2 Eliminate Duplicates with DISTINCT

3.3 Using Column and Table Aliases

3.4 Write Simple CASE Expressions

4.1 Understanding Joins

4.2 Querying with Inner Joins

4.3 Querying with Outer Joins

4.4 Querying with Cross Joins and Self Joins

5.1 Sorting Data

5.2 Filtering Data with Predicates

5.3 Filtering with the TOP and OFFSET-FETCH

5.4 Working with Unknown Values

6.1 Introduction to Business Intelligence

6.2 The Microsoft Business Intelligence Platform

6.3 Exploring a Data Warehouse

6.4 Exploring a Data Model

7.1 Introduction to Power BI

7.2 Get data from various data sources

7.3 Preview source data

8.1 Data Transformation Intro

8.2 Transformation Example 1

8.3 Transformation Example 2

8.4 Transformation Example 3

8.5 Transformation Example 4

8.6 Transformation Example 5

8.7 Transformation Example 6

9.1 Introduction to Data Modeling

9.2 Model Relationships

9.3 Table Configuration

9.4 Model interface

9.5 Quick Measures

9.6 Many-to-many relationships

9.7 Row-level security

10.1 DAX context

10.2 Calculated Tables

10.3 Calculated Columns

10.4 Managing Date Tables

10.5 Measures

10.6 Filter Manipulation

10.7 Time Intelligence

11.1 Basic Report Creation

11.2 Example Page 1

11.3 Example Page 2

11.4 Example Page 3

11.5 Report Publishing

11.6 Enhancing Reports

11.7 Drill-Through Pages

11.8 Conditional Formatting

11.9 Buttons and Bookmarks

12.1 Dashboard Basics

12.2 Real Time Dashboards

12.3 Enhanced Dashboards

13.1 Introduction to Power BI Report Builder

13.2 Report Layouts

13.3 Report Data

13.4 Report Tables

14.1 Introduction to Advanced Analytics

14.2 Scatter Chart

14.3 Forecast

14.4 Decomposition Tree

14.5 Key Influencers

15.1 Introduction to Workspaces

15.2 Working with Workspaces and the Portal

16.1 Introduction to Power Apps Visual

16.2 Creating the App

16.3 Basic Power Apps Concepts

16.4 Refreshing the Report

17.1 Introduction to Analysis Services

17.2 Connecting with Multidimensional Models

17.3 Premium Workspaces and Analysis Services

17.4 Course Wrap Up

Your Training Instructor

James Ring-Howell
Microsoft Certified Trainer | Microsoft Certified Developer | Database Expert


Course features:

13 Hrs 58 Min

77 Videos

1 Year Access

Available on Web