Introduction to Animation

“Animation comes from the Latin words “anima,” which means “life,” and “animare” which means “to breathe life into” Animation consists of still images (called “frames”) with slight differences between them.


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“Animation comes from the Latin words “anima,” which means “life,” and “animare” which means “to breathe life into” Animation consists of still images (called “frames”) with slight differences between them. When viewed together in a sequence, they give the illusion of motion – like a flipbook.

When thinking about Animation projects, what first comes to mind? Movies and cartoon shows are what people tend to think of first, as they’re the most mainstream. Animation also encompasses:Video Games/Interactive media Reconstructing events (for courtroom, education or television) Education – Help explain difficult concepts in a visual way, such as medicine or science. Internet memes/Animated Gifs “

Fun Fact about Animation

Animation comes from the Latin words “anima,” which means “life,” and “animare” which means “to breathe life into” Animation consists of still images (called “frames”) with slight differences between them. When viewed together in a sequence, they give the illusion of motion – like a flipbook.

About our introductory animation course

If you’re curious about animation and intrigued to see what it can offer, Adobe Animate is the perfect platform for you. It has endless possibilities when it comes to creating and manipulating vector graphics that bring characters or projects to life with visual effects! In this course, take a deep dive into mastering all of Adobe Animate CC tools – from the fundamentals up until its most advanced features. Discover what makes it stand out among other animation software along the way!

If you’re looking for a great animation online course, our Introduction to Animation Course is the perfect fit! You will learn everything from basic drawing techniques and Flipaclip animation all the way up to creating motion graphics-from scratch. Plus, get bonus tips on common mistakes that even experienced animators make so that your skills will always stay sharp.

Course Outline

Adobe Introduction to Animation Course Outline

Download Course Outline

1.1 Introduction

1.2 What is Animation – Part1

1.3 What is Animation – Part2

1.4 Bouncy Ball Demo – Part1

1.5 Bouncy Ball Demo – Part2

1.6 Bouncy Ball Demo – Part3

1.7 Pendulum Demo – Part1

1.8 Pendulum Demo – Part2

1.9 Platform Pendulum Demo – Part1

1.10 Platform Pendulum Demo – Part2

1.11 Principles of Animation – Part1

1.12 Principles of Animation – Part2

1.13 Bouncy Ball in Perspective Demo – Part1

1.14 Bouncy Ball in Perspective Demo – Part2

1.15 Flag Wave Demo – Part1

2.1 Weight Demo – Part1

2.2 Weight Demo – Part2

2.3 Weight Demo- Part3

2.4 Breaking a Character Down Into Basic Shapes – Part1

2.5 Breaking a Character Down Into Basic Shapes – Part2

2.6 Breaking a Character Down Into Basic Shapes – Part3

2.7 Boil Demo – Part1

2.8 Boil Demo – Part2

2.9 A Take Demo – Part1

2.10 A Take Demo – Part2

2.11 Staggering Demo – Part1

2.12 Staggering Demo – Part2

2.13 Staggering Demo – Part3

2.15 Head Turn Demo – Part1

2.16 Head Turn Demo – Part2

2.17 Head Turn Demo – Part3

2.18 Head Turn Demo – Part4

2.19 Walk Cycles Demo – Part1

2.20 Walk Cycles Demo – Part2

2.21 Walk Cycles Demo – Part3

2.22 Run Cycles Demo

2.23 Dialogue Demo – Part1

2.24 Dialogue Demo – Part2

2.25 Dialogue Demo – Part3

2.26 Dialogue Demo – Part4

2.27 Conclusion

Your Training Instructor

Dana Corrigan
Animation Professor and Freelancer


Course features:

11 Hrs 59 Min

41 Videos

1 Year Access

Available on Web