Learn Korean, the language of Kimchi and K-Pop
Learn Korean, and learn the lyrics of K-Pop artists such as PSY, Girls Generation, IU, or Big Bang. Connect with the culture that brings us Kimchi. Kimchi is sliced cabbage, fermented with red chili sauce and anchovy paste. It is pungent, spicy, and sour. Koreans love it and eat it with every meal – usually on the side – though they also use it as an ingredient in countless other dishes. Kimchi is symbolic of Korean culture: it’s strong, distinctive, and defiant. Just like the language. Continue your learning and improve your prospects with every level.
With our Level 3 Online Course, you can:
Course Features:
We have carefully put together a course that will ensure you make the most of learning at your own pace.
Course features:
Full Lifetime Access
Available on Web
Certificate of completion
29 Enrolled